Fishing Limits Lifted at Beaver Creek Reservoir

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Beaver Creek Reservoir DrainingAttention anglers, the fishing bag and possession limit has been lifted at Beaver Creek reservoir. Colorado Parks and Wildlife will be finalizing draining Beaver Creek reservoir so they can make repairs to the dam and outlet. Now is the time to head over there and fish, fish, fish! Be careful in the area though, drained lakes can be dangerous. The water and new shoreline may expose hazards.

Here is the press release for the Beaver Creek reservoir draining.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife News on Beaver Creek Reservoir

MONTE VISTA, Colo. – Colorado Parks and Wildlife has started the last phase of draining Beaver Creek reservoir and anglers are warned to be extremely cautious on the ice and around the water.
Ice remains on the reservoir but it is extremely unstable. Conditions will deteriorate as the water level drops. People should not go onto the ice. As the ice melts, fishing from the bank will be possible. But users should be extremely cautious on the steep, muddy sides of the reservoir.

An emergency public fish salvage is in place, which means that all bag and possession limits have been lifted for the reservoir until further notice. Anglers must have a Colorado fishing license; fish can only be taken by hook and line.

The reservoir is expected to be fully drained by May 1 to allow for repairs to the dam and outlet structures. Work should be completed late this year. CPW expects to start filling the reservoir again early in 2015.

The reservoir is located about 5 miles south of South Fork at the west end of the San Luis Valley.


This is a great opportunity to fill up your freezer with fresh fish. It is also a lot of fun, if not a little creepy, to be in a lake that is very low or drained out. With Beaver Creak reservoir being drained it is a rare time to catch as many fish as you can and make great fishing memories for the future.

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